This Section applies to products covered by the Standard for Sturgeon Caviar (CODEX STAN 291-2010) and covers the production of caviar by extraction of non-ovulated eggs and the production of caviar from ovulated eggs by induction of ovulation using natural means as well as by the use of authorized products.
Section 19; Fig. 19.1; p 243 shows the workflows:
Background: At the 31. Meeting of CCFFP-commitee in 2011 in Norway, the Iranian delegation received the mandate for the chair to implement a COP Caviar. They were supported by the Italian and French delegation. 20-25 delegations circulated and worked on the document from 2011-2015 until it was finalized and accepted in 2016.
The document summarizes all important processes and procedures for the correct way of caviar making – from immature eggs of slaughtered fish to the mature, stripped eggs of live sturgeon.
You can download this section 19 here:
FAO Code of Practice for Caviar
On the third page of this document you can find a flow chart that displays the workflow for the production processes. Please note that some of the processes might be banned in some countries, like e.g. cesarian section (for reasons of animal welfare) and anaesthetics (for reasons of food safety) in the member states of the European Union.